Haemodialysis for HBV, HCV, HIV Positive Patients

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Haemodialysis for HBV, HCV, HIV Positive Patients

Our specialized haemodialysis program caters to the unique needs of patients who are positive for hepatitis B virus (HBV), hepatitis C virus (HCV), or human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), ensuring safe and effective dialysis treatments while managing their specific medical conditions. Here’s what sets our program apart:

  • Infection control measures: We adhere to strict infection control protocols to minimize the risk of transmission of bloodborne viruses during haemodialysis treatments, protecting both patients and healthcare providers.
  • Tailored treatment protocols: Our nephrologists develop individualized treatment plans that take into account the patient’s viral status, coexisting medical conditions, and response to previous treatments, optimizing the effectiveness of haemodialysis while minimizing complications.
  • Multidisciplinary approach: We collaborate closely with infectious disease specialists, hepatologists, and HIV specialists to ensure comprehensive care for patients with viral infections, addressing both their kidney disease and their underlying viral condition.
  • Ongoing monitoring and support: We provide regular monitoring of viral load levels, liver function tests, and immune status to assess treatment efficacy and adjust treatment plans as needed. Additionally, we offer psychosocial support and counselling to help patients cope with the challenges of living with chronic viral infections.